
Making Your Video a Selling Machine – About, Advantages, and More

Why Videos Are Important in Marketing

Video is very effective for marketing and provides potential customers for your brand. According to Oracle’s report, 82% of all online content contains a video on a web page. If you want others to see your content, you must create a video or live video content. Otherwise, people won’t stop looking at your website.

One example is real estate. A joint study by Google and the National Association of Realtors found that home listings with video saw a 40% increase in buyer inquiries. This is more than just clicking on the list. These prospective landlords click on the link and say, “I want to see this house”, because there is a video posted next to it.

To be successful as a business owner, you must be good at selling videos.

Developing Para social relationships with videos

Video is a robust and scalable way for brands and businesses to develop awareness, intimacy and trust with their audience without having to know or meet them. In psychology, this phenomenon is referred to as a quasi-social or one-way relationship, where viewers get to know, like, and trust you without ever meeting you in person.

While other types of content, like audio or text, can create a semi-social connection, video allows you to create a stronger relationship with your audience.

Other Advantages of Video Marketing

On a practical level, video is easier, faster, and cheaper than other content marketing and advertising forms. For example, blogging, SEO, and Google ads can be challenging to manage and take months to get attention. Nonetheless, the data shows that the page you want to rank for has to have a video anyway to be successful.

Owen’s proven video production process

Every marketer has a mobile device and a message. You don’t need fancy video equipment or a film crew. Instead of having your boss or clients memorize lines or paying someone to write a script and hire an editor to cut out all the bad stuff, you should be good at organizing your video productions with whatever you already have.

For marketers, this means processes built into the rhythm of business. We assume that the first video will be the worst, but we know that it will improve and show benefits for your business over time. The first step is to create momentum. From this, we develop replication methods and outsourcing options. Once you have reached that point, you no longer need to be involved in the process. The key is to have a strategy.

Capture the viewer’s attention

The internet is full of video content. Gone are the days of making videos and knowing that people will naturally watch them just because they exist. They are constantly trading with your viewers whenever they are ready to protect your video. You have to hit her hard. Otherwise, they look at something else.

Restate the Problem

Owen introduces a notion called the initial state and the after state. The initial state is the unhappy or unsatisfied condition in which your consumer is before purchasing your goods or service. The joy and comfort customers feel after receiving your goods or service is referred to as the after state. We must hone down on the R and discover a method to link to the previous state.

Explain Your Solution

This is also known as product framing or service framing. For example, many marketers present themselves as just social media managers. Instead, you should position yourself and your products or services as unique and distinct from the competition. The brain is inherently drawn to the new and innovative, and being distinctive will propel your company to the next level.

Actual Proof

You’ve discussed what you have and how it will assist people in performing A, B, C, and D in the initial phases of the process. But now you’re saying, “Don’t just take my word for it. Check out what our customers have to say about it…” You may either share the testimonies yourself or ask others to do so on your behalf.

Tell Viewers What to Do

If you’re running an ad on YouTube, you may say, “Click on the View Ad button below,” and a button that reads View Ad or View Offer will display beneath the video. “Click on the description link in the box below,” for example. The description box is visible to the visitors, who know precisely where to click.


Creating top-quality product videos is our strong suit, if we say so ourselves. We started experimenting with light, colors and textures in our garage studio, and it’s safe to say, we got pretty damn good at it! So if you’re looking for a stunning video to show off all your product’s excellent features and reach your target audience feeling like they need to get their hands on it ASAP – we’re your go-to video production house.
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Work Publishing

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Work Publishing

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